Unraid Server

This isnt the final form, as the room where my rack has been sitting the past few months is a mess, but I realised I hadnt posted a picture of the box since the dusty Proxmox build below. The rack, and this server is rock solid. I love it. Its so flexible. Right now its really just hosting files, Plex with movies and TV shows, Transmission for torrents and my Unifi Controller for my network in docker containers.

I have 12tb of storage and a 4tb parity drive. I also use a 500gb NVMe cache drive to keep things fast.

The system itself is a Zen 2 AMD Ryzen 3600, 32gb of DDR4 RAM and an Asus X570 board. Its fast as fk.

Ill post a pic of the full rack with my Unifi gear in a future post, once it’s less crowded in there.


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