Month: October 2020

Kraken Rum. I approve.

Kraken Rum. I approve.

I should have taken a picture of the Old J that I had last weekend, but I approve very much of the Kraken. Its a much different feeling experience than bourbon. It seems to be a much quicker advancement in the change of perception and the ability to spell things correctly while typing… The taste isnt as sweet, its a bit liquorice~y but the bitter component, and nothing else. Yeah. Will continue to explore as I make my way through the bottle. Which is quite pretty.

Note to self: Nextcloud config

Note to self: Nextcloud config


Aarrgh! Its such a pain remembering with actual memory over the age of 26. I’m now 40. I can’t do it anymore.

I had to migrate Nextcloud due to an issue on Linode’s servers due to an impending upgrade. Its taken me about 20 mins I never want to have to spend again trying to find the config.php file that would let me change the trusted servers.

Sigh. At least it’s the weekend!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira