The Twitter Mob

I have twitter but I rarely check it, it’s more of a ‘something I do sitting on the toilet’ social event to see what’s going on in the world while I have a few minutes to myself with nothing else to do. COVID still doesnt seem to want to leave me alone so, when bored, I hop on and have a look.

My email provider, Protonmail, has had a downtime this morning – on a Monday morning, ffs – and I expressed my exasperation at not being able to receive important emails (due to the above health issue). Now credit where credit is due, they fixed the issue within a couple of hours and all seems fine, but the mob mentality of those jumping to respond was just something I guess Im not used to.

I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions and that’s fine, I accept it. Say what you want, Im thick skinned! I guess it was just the rapid influx of messages saying that ‘you’re wrong’, then the replies to those defending the end-user, and the replies to those on the other side of the argument – mental!

I think I’ll just go back to being an occasional viewer on the toilet 🙂

Theme: Overlay by Kaira