Xmas has come and gone…

So Xmas was a thing and now it’s gone. I’ve been knackered. Absolutely effing tired but now have a week off and I am doing a little gaming here and there but basically sleeping as much as possible. Hopefully after the new year I might feel somewhere near approaching the edge of human again. Hopefully…

Santa was quite generous, I was going to throw all of his pennies against the old CC bills but since I’ve moved my last gaming update build into my Unraid server, I’m still gaming on my old 4770k system. As such, I’ve bought some updated gear for my gaming build:

  • Ryzen 3600
  • Aorus X570 Pro
  • 32GB DDR4 RAM
  • Sabrent 1TB PCIe 4 NVMe

The build that is now my Unraid server was very similar but it’s using the Asus X570 TUF plus Wifi board, which was great to game on and was head and shoulders better than my 4770k system. The 4770k bits I’ve replaced will be officially retired and stored in a box forever (probably), the case, power supply etc were updated for my gaming build at the start of the year so I’ll keep them for this build. I also have a 500gb NVMe drive for the OS. I really think that 1TB of data for the storage drive for games will be fine, I picked up a 2060 Super through the year, also a new monitor (1080p) which is also fine. I couldnt really give a tits about 4k gaming.

I think the final nail in the coffin for spending money was that Amazon would deliver tomorrow, cant really beat it!

Will see how the build goes…

Theme: Overlay by Kaira