Xmas is coming…

I really just felt compelled to write something because this is a website that costs money and I havent added anything in ages.

Covid, urgh, work, urgh, family, urgh, relationships, urgh, etc… its just all urgh. This year has been a complete dumpster fire but on the other hand I know Im lucky to still have everyone around me who matters, to be employed and still have my physical health even though my mental health is shot.

My life is basically 50% work, 25% sleep and 25% either being so tired I wish I was back to sleep or just drinking to either forget or remember. Its not good. The hope is that next year will be better once the vaccine comes out and hopefully doesnt turn us all into horrible zombie mutants or give us chronic illnesses later in life.

Nothing much is going on, its really just the grind until Xmas and getting that over with, then kicking off the new year and hope it’s better than this one.

If anyone actually visits and reads this, stay safe.

Also, I really like this picture, its really nerdy.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira