Back in the day before your next-gens and your raytracers there were text based RPGs that you played by typing commands. I know right, weird. And they were really popular. One of the MUDs that I played (and it’s derivatives) was called The Forest’s Edge, I think about a dozen of us nearly failed college because of this game. Which was fine, we didnt really know what we wanted to do anyway, and the game was fun so that’s all that mattered.
I’ve had these files on a CD for ages, then I have them backed up on my home servers but I thought they may be of some use to somebody who wants to poke at the code or try and get it up and running. There’s also a repository of code on, this may just be a duplicate of stuff that I’ve downloaded from there years ago, but there might be something different. I havent really checked.
The code bases are named as per the release derivative of the source code. Affmud was my attempt at recreating the game, just for fun, with the help of skilled coders who actually did know what they were doing, I just paid for the hosting really and tinkered here and there.
The files are hosted up on Google Drive, feel free to have a look around and download anything you might find interesting.